
Creating a Job Application

Vestal Central School District


Welcome to the Vestal Central School District Application site.  Once you have registered, to begin the application process, please go to the My Application menu item. After completing all required information within your application, you will be able to apply for specific positions of interest. Simply click on Job Opportunities to apply to the postings of interest. We invite you to click here to read more about us, including our Misson and District Goals. Thank you for your interest.



  1.  Create your registration account with the RecruitFront program.  You will need to register as a new user if this is your first time logging in.
  2.  Complete your Recruitfront Application 
  3.  Apply for specific positions of interest for any current or future vacancies within the Vestal Central School District.  You will receive a confirmation email from RecruitFront that your job application has been received. 

* Please note that after you complete your application (Step 2 above), YOU MUST APPLY for any positions you are interested in. Your RecruitFront Application alone is NOT an application for employment within the Vestal Central School District. Click on any of the items listed below in the Help Section for addtional assistance.



Help Section


How to Register

Creating a Job Application

Applying for a Job Posting

Updating Application



To complete an Application, please select one or more application types below, and Save and Continue.  You will then be directed to complete each section of the application(s) selected. 

At the bottom of each section, be sure to Validate, Save and Continue.  If there are errors or missing fields within the section, you will be prompted to correct them.  Once the section is validated, a green check mark will appear above the corresponding section, and you will advance to the next page/section.

The last section of the application is the Final Application Validation page.  Here, you will be able to submit the application(s) for completion.  Please be sure to read this page carefully, as it provides information on what to do after your Application is completed, and how to use your completed Application to apply to specific Job Postings.


Challenge * Support * Foster * Invest